Sunday, July 26, 2009


I've been reading comics for a while, from my popsicle-sticky days of Archie Double Digest, to my nerdy adolescence collecting X-Men issues, to my current cool adulthood reading only critically acclaimed graphic narratives and certainly not japanese romance manga for teen girls. Over the years, I've read a lot of great stuff: books that have made me laugh out loud, books that have almost brought me to tears, books that have proven that yes, comics are art.

This blog is not about those books.

This blog is about the titles that no one remembers fondly, the ones that we bought from the CVS and then cut up for art projects a year later, the ones that, instead of being lovingly preserved in a mylar bag, were rolled up and used to swat flies. But someone has to preserve their memory, right?

Not me, though. I'm just having fun with a pile of crappy old comics. 

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